• Custom AV for Orangetheory Fitness studio

    Pro AV for Orangetheory Fitness

Performance data-driven AV for fitness

This high energy group exercise class - available at the David Lloyd Studio in Islington - has been developed by the experts at Orangetheory® group training and is the first of its kind in the UK.

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Performance-data driven fitness AV

The project

A successful US brand with big ambitions for the UK market, Orangetheory Fitness wanted to bring their high-energy group circuit training to the UK – starting with London.

Our role was to immerse ourselves in the brand guidelines then develop an on-brand audio visual solution capable of delivering an authentic Orangetheory Fitness experience to a UK audience.

Central to Orangetheory’s energising interval fitness concept is a motivational instructor-led audio visual system that enables participants to see their heart rate displayed on large HD viewing screens throughout the studio; the aim being for participants to keep their heart rate in the ‘Orange’ zone.

Adding to the experience are pre-class induction videos delivered via Apple TV and wireless heart rate monitoring displayed on large viewing screens, along with great audio.

Music playlists with tailored BPM for GroupX Pro audio & instructor radio mic for GroupX

What we did

Custom-designing a solution to suit, we linked large format screens to a central audio visual rack containing all HD source equipment, digital signage and HD matrix switcher. This enabled the HD content to be routed to any screen or a collection of screens at the touch of a button.

For the audio system we used 8” coaxial speakers with local controls and instructor radio mic. For the audio player, we chose a hard disc store forward solution that receives monthly playlist updates and has two channels of music at specific BPM to ensure the beat of the music is perfectly in synch with the motivational workouts.

Applying our technical and sector experience to the client’s specific brand guidelines, we not only met but surpassed the recommended approach, delivering a high-energy work out in high-definition.