
Hit the visual mark.

Abstract Video Walls. Immersive Projection. Virtual Reality… Thanks to ongoing technology advances and increasingly clever design, our tech-forward clients and their customers know that the next big experience needs to hit the visual mark. Transform reality into the best possible version of itself with cinematic experiences driven by next-gen visual tech.

Feature & FX Lighting

Until recently, intelligent feature and effect lighting was the greatest untapped resource in deep consumer engagement. Gone are the days when disco lights or dimming were enough to do the job – today’s intelligent feature lighting is up on impact, down with technology, and designed with multi-sensory experience in mind. If your business...

Large Screen Display

Well-positioned single display screens or carefully designed networks of screens are a fast-track and fail-safe way to visually engage with consumers. Screens don’t just make an interior look great – they give shape and depth to the customer experience by adding a layer of direct and branded engagement, whether this be for advertising,...

Video Wall

Big on size, colour, and picture quality, a large video wall display is a fantastic option for retailers, leisure facilities, health & fitness operators, hoteliers and others who want to make a big first impression.

Pro Projection

The more there is to choose from, the harder it can be to choose right. Pro projector technology has come on in leaps and bounds, but with so many options on the market, it’s never been more important to pinpoint exactly what you need and exactly how it’s going to be used.

Immersive Projection

Immersive fitness is about getting so deep in “the zone” that your perceived rate of exertion goes down as your actual exertion and enjoyment go up. It commandeers the senses and floods your sensory horizons, but it has to feel authentic to have the right effect. Designed to suit the lifestyles of a sizable (and growing) demographic of...

Virtual for Fitness

The great virtual experiment is over and the results are in: virtual fitness encourages higher attendance, attracts new members, and helps retain them once they’re there. As the UK’s undisputed heavyweight integrator of virtual fitness solutions, clients come to us for the audio visual delivery of their virtual fitness concept. This means...

Digital Signage

Our digital signage solutions offer you the flexibility to target customers with brand imagery and promotional messaging as and when you want. Sleek, streamline, and easy to use, you can regularly update your communications with minimum cost or effort.

Satellite TV & Radio

Today’s media conscious consumer is accustomed to choice – and lots of it. Freeview, satellite, internet services, Wi-Fi connectivity, and an array of portable media devices mean customers can now access practically any radio and TV content, anytime, anywhere.

Understanding consumer behaviour and the lifestyles of your target clientele...


Bringing together the latest internet protocol technology with the best the media world has to offer, IPTV is the multipurpose multimedia conduit of the future. Manufacturers are also beginning to integrate IP connectivity into their products as standard, so if you want to get ahead of the game while boosting your customer experience, IPTV capability...

Engineer the experience with Hutchison-t