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Covid-19 Statement

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In light of everything that’s happening, we wanted to update you on the steps Hutchison Technologies are taking to help minimise the spread and potential disruption due to COVID-19 and how we intend to continue to provide service and support during this challenging time.
It is vitally important for us to ensure that procedures are in place to support the health and well-being of our customers and staff members.  To help combat the spread of COVID-19, we have implemented precautionary safety and continuity measures including:

  • Educating our staff on prevention
  • Emphasising frequent and proper hand washing
  • Providing hand sanitiser
  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces
  • Highlighting the importance of social distancing
  • Deploying tried and tested business continuity IT infrastructure
  • Limiting all unnecessary business travel
  • Conducting meetings via video conferencing 

We have a continuity plan that will provide you with a reliable and uninterrupted service whilst at the same time allowing us to adhere to UK government guidelines.  We have the operational capabilities to ensure that your business needs continue to be met and that each enquiry will be answered within our usual response time.

There’s no doubt that businesses face a period of uncertainty. But rest assured we will do everything in our power to continue to support our valued business partners.

If you have any questions, or would like to get in touch, please call: 0333 240 7369 or email: