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COVID-19 - Supporting Businesses & Frontline Workers

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Watching the news and daily government COVID-19 updates is often with mixed emotions. There is no getting away from how tragically COVID-19 has affected our country and fellow citizens around the world, but equally, it is heart-warming to see how people are coming together; from the tireless and selfless dedication of our NHS workers and Carers, to the wider community clapping each week in a show of heartfelt appreciation, the fantastic rise in-home workout and mindfulness content keeping us fit and focussed, and the inspiring fundraising efforts of 100-year old War Veteran Captain Tom Moore with his display of Great British spirit and determination.

At Hutchison Technologies, we recognise the challenges businesses are facing. That’s why our passionate team of technical experts have been proactively providing options for systems and solutions that can support our customers when they do reopen. From portable and virtual audio-visual solutions to facility occupancy systems, we are always working to provide value-add technology that enables retailers, health & fitness operators and hospitality venues to continue to deliver outstanding service to their customers.

In support of the fight against COVID-19, we have also looked to our Hutchison International division. As a fully medical quality accredited ISO13485 company, our highly experienced supply chain management team have been working continuously with our network of accredited and approved medical suppliers, vendors, and manufacturers to supply approved PPE and Virus Collection & Transportation Medium Kits for the NHS and Local Council Authorities.

It is humbling to be able to put our experience and services to work to help the NHS as well as businesses in the fight against COVID-19. As the lockdown eases and we look to the future, we will continue to equip businesses with the systems and solutions they need to thrive in what will become the new normal.